Conditions: Examples

iDDS provides composite conditions to support complicated workflows.


  1. work custom conditions

Here are examples how to define custom conditions with work attributes

from import Work

work1 = Work(executable='/bin/hostname', arguments=None, sandbox=None, work_id=1)
work1.add_custom_condition('to_exit', True)    # it's equal to: work1.add_custom_condition('to_exit', True, op='and')
assert(work1.get_custom_condition_status() is False)
work1.to_exit = False
assert(work1.get_custom_condition_status() is False)
work1.to_exit = 'True'
assert(work1.get_custom_condition_status() is False)
work1.to_exit = True
assert(work1.get_custom_condition_status() is True)

# or_custom_conditions or (and_custom_conditions)
work1 = Work(executable='/bin/hostname', arguments=None, sandbox=None, work_id=1)
# to_exit or (to_exit1 or to_exit2)
work1.add_custom_condition('to_exit', True, op='and')
work1.add_custom_condition('to_exit1', True, op='or')
work1.add_custom_condition('to_exit2', True, op='or')
assert(work1.get_custom_condition_status() is False)
work1.to_exit1 = False
assert(work1.get_custom_condition_status() is False)
work1.to_exit1 = 'False'
assert(work1.get_custom_condition_status() is False)
work1.to_exit1 = True
assert(work1.get_custom_condition_status() is True)
work1.to_exit1 = False
work1.to_exit2 = 'true'
assert(work1.get_custom_condition_status() is False)
work1.to_exit2 = True
assert(work1.get_custom_condition_status() is True)
work1.to_exit1 = False
work1.to_exit2 = False
work1.to_exit = True
assert(work1.get_custom_condition_status() is True)
assert(work1.get_not_custom_condition_status() is False)
  1. condtions combination

Here are conditions iDDS supports

from import Work, WorkStatus
from idds.workflow.workflow import (CompositeCondition, AndCondition, OrCondition, Condition,
                                    ConditionOperator, ConditionTrigger, Workflow)

com_cond = CompositeCondition(operator=ConditionOperator.And, conditions=[], true_works=[], false_works=[])

and_cond = AndCondition(conditions=[], true_works=[], false_works=[])
         = CompositeCondition(operator=ConditionOperator.And, conditions=[], true_works=[], false_works=[])

or_cond = OrCondition(conditions=[], true_works=[], false_works=[])
        = CompositeCondition(operator=ConditionOperator.Or, conditions=[], true_works=[], false_works=[])

# To support old conditions
cond = Condition(cond=<cond>, true_work=<true_work>, false_work=<false_work>)
     = CompositeCondition(operator=ConditionOperator.And, conditions=[cond], true_works=[true_work], false_works=[false_work])

# combine multiple condtions into one condition
and_cond = AndCondition(conditions=[work5.is_terminated], true_works=[work6])
or_cond = OrCondition(conditions=[work7.is_terminated, work8.is_terminated], true_works=[work9])
conds = AndCondition(conditions=[work1.is_finished, work2.is_started],
                     true_works=[work3, or_cond], false_works=[work4, and_cond])
# for combined conditions, only need to add the top(top tree) condition to the workflow.
# Since every add_condition will create an evaluation entrypoint in iDDS.
#  If a branch of a combined condition is added to a workflow with add_condition, this branch will be evaluated as a separate condition tree.
  1. condition trigger

(This part is for iDDS developers. Users normally should not use this function.) Condition trigger is an option for iDDS to process whether to remember whether a condition work is already triggered. It’s used to avoid duplicated triggering some processes(For example, when using work1.is_started to trigger work2. If the condition is not recorded, work2 can be triggered many times every time when the condition is evaluated).

class ConditionTrigger(IDDSEnum):
     NotTriggered = 0
     ToTrigger = 1
     Triggered = 2

 # ToTrigger will return untriggered works based on the conditions and mark the work as triggered.
 # exception: if the work.is_template is true, even the condition work is marked as triggered, the work will still be triggered. So for cases such as work.is_started should not be used as a condition for works with is_template=True.

 # Will only return untriggered works based on conditions. It will not update the trigger status.

 # Will only return triggered works based on conditions. It will not update the trigger status.