iDDS OIDC authorization

Here are the commands how to setup oidc tokens. For other client examples, please check normal user documents.

iDDS OIDC authorization

1. Setup the client. It’s for users to setup the client for the first time or update the client configurations. By default it will create a file in ~/.idds/idds_local.cfg to remember these configurations.

from idds.client.clientmanager import ClientManager
cm = ClientManager()
cm.setup_local_configuration(local_config_root=<local_config_root>,  # default ~/.idds/
                             host=<host>,                            # default host for different authorization methods. https://<hostname or ip>:443/idds
                             auth_type=<auth_type>,                  # authorization type: x509_proxy, oidc
                             auth_type_host=<auth_type_host>,        # for different authorization methods, users can define different idds servers.
                             x509_proxy=<x509_proxy path>,
                             vo=<vo name>,
  1. setup oidc token

from idds.client.clientmanager import ClientManager
cm = ClientManager()
  1. refresh oidc token

from idds.client.clientmanager import ClientManager
cm = ClientManager()
  1. get token info

from idds.client.clientmanager import ClientManager
cm = ClientManager()
  1. clean oidc token

from idds.client.clientmanager import ClientManager
cm = ClientManager()

iDDS OIDC Command Line Interface (CLI)

1. Setup the client. It’s for users to setup the client for the first time or update the client configurations. By default it will create a file in ~/.idds/idds_local.cfg to remember these configurations.

idds setup --auth_type oidc --host https://<hostname or ip>:443/idds --vo Rubin
  1. setup oidc token

idds setup_oidc_token
  1. refresh oidc token

idds refresh_oidc_token
  1. get token info

idds get_oidc_token_info
  1. clean oidc token

idds clean_oidc_token