Installing iDDS Clients


iDDS clients run on Python 2.7, 3.6 on any Unix-like platform.

Python Dependencies

All Dependencies are automatically installed with pip.

Install via pip

When pip is available, the distribution can be downloaded from the iDDS PyPI server and installed in one step:

$> pip install idds-common idds-client idds-workflow idds-doma

This command will download the latest version of Rucio and install it to your system.

Upgrade via pip

To upgrade via pip:

$> pip install --upgrade idds-common idds-client idds-workflow idds-doma

config client

To use iDDS client to access the iDDS server, a config file is needed. Below is an example of the config file:

$> idds setup --auth_type oidc --host https://<hostname or ip>:443/idds --vo Rubin