iDDS RESTful client: Examples

iDDS provides RESTful services and the client is used to access the RESTful service.

iDDS OIDC authorization

1. Setup the client. It’s for users to setup the client for the first time or update the client configurations. By default it will create a file in ~/.idds/idds_local.cfg to remember these configurations.

from idds.client.clientmanager import ClientManager
cm = ClientManager()
cm.setup_local_configuration(local_config_root=<local_config_root>,  # default ~/.idds/
                             host=<host>,                            # default host for different authorization methods. https://<hostname or ip>:443/idds
                             auth_type=<auth_type>,                  # authorization type: x509_proxy, oidc
                             auth_type_host=<auth_type_host>,        # for different authorization methods, users can define different idds servers.
                             x509_proxy=<x509_proxy path>,
                             vo=<vo name>,
  1. setup oidc token
from idds.client.clientmanager import ClientManager
cm = ClientManager()
  1. refresh oidc token
from idds.client.clientmanager import ClientManager
cm = ClientManager()
  1. get token info
from idds.client.clientmanager import ClientManager
cm = ClientManager()
  1. clean oidc token
from idds.client.clientmanager import ClientManager
cm = ClientManager()

iDDS OIDC Command Line Interface (CLI)

1. Setup the client. It’s for users to setup the client for the first time or update the client configurations. By default it will create a file in ~/.idds/idds_local.cfg to remember these configurations.

idds setup --auth_type oidc --host https://<hostname or ip>:443/idds --vo Rubin
  1. setup oidc token
idds setup_oidc_token
  1. refresh oidc token
idds refresh_oidc_token
  1. get token info
idds get_oidc_token_info
  1. clean oidc token
idds clean_oidc_token

iDDS workflow manager

  1. submit a workflow to the idds server

Below is one example for submitting a workflow.

from idds.client.clientmanager import ClientManager
from idds.common.utils import get_rest_host

# get the host from the client cfg
host = get_rest_host()
# or for example, host =

# get a workflow
workflow = get_workflow()

cm = ClientManager(host=host)         # here the host will overwrite the host defined in the configurations.
request_id = cm.submit(workflow)

Below is an example for data carousel

def get_workflow():
    from idds.workflow.workflow import Workflow
    from idds.atlas.workflow.atlasstageinwork import ATLASStageinWork

    scope = 'data16_13TeV'
    name = 'data16_13TeV.00298862.physics_Main.daq.RAW'
    src_rse = 'NDGF-T1_DATATAPE'
    dest_rse = 'NDGF-T1_DATADISK'
    rule_id = '*****'
    workload_id = <panda task id for example>
    work = ATLASStageinWork(primary_input_collection={'scope': scope, 'name': name},
                            output_collections={'scope': scope, 'name': name + '.idds.stagein'},
    wf = Workflow()
    return wf

Below is an example for hyperparameter optimization

def get_workflow():
    from idds.workflow.workflow import Workflow
    from idds.atlas.workflow.atlashpowork import ATLASHPOWork

    # request_metadata for predefined method 'nevergrad'
    request_metadata = {'workload_id': '20525135', 'sandbox': None, 'method': 'nevergrad', 'opt_space': {"A": {"type": "Choice", "params": {"choices": [1, 4]}}, "B": {"type": "Scalar", "bounds": [0, 5]}}, 'initial_points': [({'A': 1, 'B': 2}, 0.3), ({'A': 1, 'B': 3}, None)], 'max_points': 20, 'num_points_per_generation': 10}

    # request_metadata for docker method
    request_metadata = {'workload_id': '20525134', 'sandbox': 'wguanicedew/idds_hpo_nevergrad', 'workdir': '/data', 'executable': 'docker', 'arguments': 'python /opt/ --max_points=%MAX_POINTS --num_points=%NUM_POINTS --input=/data/%IN --output=/data/%OUT', 'output_json': 'output.json', 'opt_space': {"A": {"type": "Choice", "params": {"choices": [1, 4]}}, "B": {"type": "Scalar", "bounds": [0, 5]}}, 'initial_points': [({'A': 1, 'B': 2}, 0.3), ({'A': 1, 'B': 3}, None)], 'max_points': 20, 'num_points_per_generation': 10}

    work = ATLASHPOWork(executable=request_metadata.get('executable', None),
                        arguments=request_metadata.get('arguments', None),
                        parameters=request_metadata.get('parameters', None),
                        setup=None, exec_type='local',
                        sandbox=request_metadata.get('sandbox', None),
                        method=request_metadata.get('method', None),
                        container_workdir=request_metadata.get('workdir', None),
                        output_json=request_metadata.get('output_json', None),
                        opt_space=request_metadata.get('opt_space', None),
                        initial_points=request_metadata.get('initial_points', None),
                        max_points=request_metadata.get('max_points', None),
                        num_points_per_iteration=request_metadata.get('num_points_per_iteration', 10))
    wf = Workflow()
    wf.set_workload_id(request_metadata.get('workload_id', None))
    return wf
  1. Abort a request
# One of workload_id or request_id can be None
clientmanager.abort(request_id=<request_id>, workload_id=<workload_id>)
  1. Suspend a request
# One of workload_id or request_id can be None
clientmanager.suspend(request_id=<request_id>, workload_id=<workload_id>)
  1. Resume a request
# One of workload_id or request_id can be None
clientmanager.resume(request_id=<request_id>, workload_id=<workload_id>)
  1. Retry a request
# One of workload_id or request_id can be None
clientmanager.retry(request_id=<request_id>, workload_id=<workload_id>)
  1. Finish a request
# One of workload_id or request_id can be None
# if set_all_finished is set, all left files will be set finished
clientmanager.finish(request_id=<request_id>, workload_id=<workload_id>, set_all_finished=False)
  1. Get progress report
# One of workload_id or request_id can be None
clientmanager.get_status(request_id=<request_id>, workload_id=<workload_id>, with_detail=False/True)
  1. Download logs for a request
# One of workload_id or request_id can be None
clientmanager.download_logs(request_id=<request_id>, workload_id=<workload_id>, dest_dir='./', filename=None)
  1. Upload a file to the iDDS cacher
# filename is the source filename or full path of the source file.
# Upload file to iDDS cacher: On the cacher, the filename will be the basename of the file.
  1. Download a file from the iDDS cacher
# filename is the destination filename or full path of the destination file.
# Download file from iDDS cacher: On the cacher, the filename will be the basename of the file.
  1. Get hyperparameters
clientmanager.get_hyperparameters(request_id=<request_id>, workload_id=<workload_id>,
                                    id=<id>, status=<status>, limit=<limit>)

from idds.client.clientmanager import ClientManager
clientmanager = ClientManager(host='')
clientmanager.get_hyperparameters(workload_id=123, request_id=None)
clientmanager.get_hyperparameters(workload_id=None, request_id=456)
clientmanager.get_hyperparameters(workload_id=None, request_id=456, id=0)
  1. Update hyperparameter
clientmanager.update_hyperparameter(request_id=<request_id>, workload_id=<workload_id>,
                                      id=<id>, loss=<loss>)
  1. Get messages
clientmanager.get_messages(request_id=<idds_request_id>, workload_id=<workload_id>)

from idds.client.clientmanager import ClientManager
host = ''
clientmanager = ClientManager(host=host)     # here the host will overwirte the host defined in the configurations.

# clientmanager = ClientManager()  #  if idds.cfg is configured with [rest] host.

ret = clientmanager.get_messages(request_id=<idds_request_id>)
ret = clientmanager.get_messages(workload_id=<JEDI_task_id>)
status, msgs = ret

iDDS Command Line Interface (CLI)

  1. Abort a request
# One of workload_id or request_id can be None
idds abort_requests --request_id=<request_id> --workload_id=<workload_id>
  1. Suspend a request
# One of workload_id or request_id can be None
idds suspend_requests --request_id=<request_id> --workload_id=<workload_id>
  1. Resume a request
# One of workload_id or request_id can be None
idds resume_requests --request_id=<request_id> --workload_id=<workload_id>
  1. Retry a request
# One of workload_id or request_id can be None
idds retry_requests --request_id=<request_id> --workload_id=<workload_id>
  1. Finish a request
# One of workload_id or request_id can be None
idds finish_requests --request_id=<request_id> --workload_id=<workload_id> [--set_all_finished]
  1. Get progress report
# One of workload_id or request_id can be None
idds get_requests_status --request_id=<request_id> --workload_id=<workload_id> --with_detail

# idds get_requests_status --request_id 94
request_id    request_workload_id    scope:name                                status    errors
------------  ---------------------  ----------------------------------------  --------  -----------
          94             1616422511  pseudo_dataset:pseudo_input_collection#1  Finished  {'msg': ''}

# idds get_requests_status --request_id 94 --with_detail
request_id    transform_id    request_workload_id    transform_workload_id    scope:name                                 status[Total/OK/Processing]    errors
------------  --------------  ---------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------
          94             151             1616422511                     1003  pseudo_dataset:pseudo_output_collection#1  Finished[6/6/0]                {'msg': ''}
          94             152             1616422511                     1002  pseudo_dataset:pseudo_output_collection#2  Finished[3/3/0]                {'msg': ''}
          94             153             1616422511                     1001  pseudo_dataset:pseudo_output_collection#3  Finished[5/5/0]                {'msg': ''}
  1. Download logs for a request
# One of workload_id or request_id can be None
idds download_logs --request_id=<request_id> --workload_id=<workload_id> --dest_dir='./' --filename=<filename>
  1. Upload a file to the iDDS cacher
# filename is the source filename or full path of the source file.
# Upload file to iDDS cacher: On the cacher, the filename will be the basename of the file.
idds upload_to_cacher --filename=<filename>
  1. Download a file from the iDDS cacher
# filename is the destination filename or full path of the destination file.
# Download file from iDDS cacher: On the cacher, the filename will be the basename of the file.
idds download_from_cacher --filename=<filename>
  1. Get hyperparameters
idds get_hyperparameters --request_id=<request_id> --workload_id=<workload_id>
                         --id=<id> --status=<status> --limit=<limit>)

idds get_hyperparameters --workload_id=123
idds get_hyperparameters --request_id=456
idds get_hyperparameters --request_id=456 --id=0
  1. Update hyperparameter
idds update_hyperparameter --request_id=<request_id> --workload_id=<workload_id>,
                           --id=<id> --loss=<loss>
  1. Get messages
idds get_messsage --request_id=<request_id> --workload_id=<workload_id>

idds get_messages --request_id=75483
idds get_messages --workload_id=25792557