iDDS RESTful client: Examples ============================= iDDS provides RESTful services and the client is used to access the RESTful service. iDDS OIDC authorization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Setup the client. It's for users to setup the client for the first time or update the client configurations. By default it will create a file in ~/.idds/idds_local.cfg to remember these configurations. .. code-block:: python from idds.client.clientmanager import ClientManager cm = ClientManager() cm.setup_local_configuration(local_config_root=, # default ~/.idds/ host=, # default host for different authorization methods. https://:443/idds auth_type=, # authorization type: x509_proxy, oidc auth_type_host=, # for different authorization methods, users can define different idds servers. x509_proxy=, vo=, 2. setup oidc token .. code-block:: python from idds.client.clientmanager import ClientManager cm = ClientManager() cm.setup_oidc_token() 3. refresh oidc token .. code-block:: python from idds.client.clientmanager import ClientManager cm = ClientManager() cm.refresh_oidc_token() 4. get token info .. code-block:: python from idds.client.clientmanager import ClientManager cm = ClientManager() cm.check_oidc_token_status() 5. clean oidc token .. code-block:: python from idds.client.clientmanager import ClientManager cm = ClientManager() cm.clean_oidc_token() iDDS OIDC Command Line Interface (CLI) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Setup the client. It's for users to setup the client for the first time or update the client configurations. By default it will create a file in ~/.idds/idds_local.cfg to remember these configurations. .. code-block:: python idds setup --auth_type oidc --host https://:443/idds --vo Rubin 2. setup oidc token .. code-block:: python idds setup_oidc_token 3. refresh oidc token .. code-block:: python idds refresh_oidc_token 4. get token info .. code-block:: python idds get_oidc_token_info 5. clean oidc token .. code-block:: python idds clean_oidc_token iDDS workflow manager ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. submit a workflow to the idds server Below is one example for submitting a workflow. .. code-block:: python from idds.client.clientmanager import ClientManager from idds.common.utils import get_rest_host # get the host from the client cfg host = get_rest_host() # or for example, host = # get a workflow workflow = get_workflow() cm = ClientManager(host=host) # here the host will overwrite the host defined in the configurations. request_id = cm.submit(workflow) Below is an example for data carousel .. code-block:: python def get_workflow(): from idds.workflow.workflow import Workflow from idds.atlas.workflow.atlasstageinwork import ATLASStageinWork scope = 'data16_13TeV' name = 'data16_13TeV.00298862.physics_Main.daq.RAW' src_rse = 'NDGF-T1_DATATAPE' dest_rse = 'NDGF-T1_DATADISK' rule_id = '*****' workload_id = work = ATLASStageinWork(primary_input_collection={'scope': scope, 'name': name}, output_collections={'scope': scope, 'name': name + '.idds.stagein'}, max_waiting_time=max_waiting_time, src_rse=src_rse, dest_rse=dest_rse, rule_id=rule_id) wf = Workflow() wf.set_workload_id(workload_id) wf.add_work(work) return wf Below is an example for hyperparameter optimization .. code-block:: python def get_workflow(): from idds.workflow.workflow import Workflow from idds.atlas.workflow.atlashpowork import ATLASHPOWork # request_metadata for predefined method 'nevergrad' request_metadata = {'workload_id': '20525135', 'sandbox': None, 'method': 'nevergrad', 'opt_space': {"A": {"type": "Choice", "params": {"choices": [1, 4]}}, "B": {"type": "Scalar", "bounds": [0, 5]}}, 'initial_points': [({'A': 1, 'B': 2}, 0.3), ({'A': 1, 'B': 3}, None)], 'max_points': 20, 'num_points_per_generation': 10} # request_metadata for docker method request_metadata = {'workload_id': '20525134', 'sandbox': 'wguanicedew/idds_hpo_nevergrad', 'workdir': '/data', 'executable': 'docker', 'arguments': 'python /opt/ --max_points=%MAX_POINTS --num_points=%NUM_POINTS --input=/data/%IN --output=/data/%OUT', 'output_json': 'output.json', 'opt_space': {"A": {"type": "Choice", "params": {"choices": [1, 4]}}, "B": {"type": "Scalar", "bounds": [0, 5]}}, 'initial_points': [({'A': 1, 'B': 2}, 0.3), ({'A': 1, 'B': 3}, None)], 'max_points': 20, 'num_points_per_generation': 10} work = ATLASHPOWork(executable=request_metadata.get('executable', None), arguments=request_metadata.get('arguments', None), parameters=request_metadata.get('parameters', None), setup=None, exec_type='local', sandbox=request_metadata.get('sandbox', None), method=request_metadata.get('method', None), container_workdir=request_metadata.get('workdir', None), output_json=request_metadata.get('output_json', None), opt_space=request_metadata.get('opt_space', None), initial_points=request_metadata.get('initial_points', None), max_points=request_metadata.get('max_points', None), num_points_per_iteration=request_metadata.get('num_points_per_iteration', 10)) wf = Workflow() wf.set_workload_id(request_metadata.get('workload_id', None)) wf.add_work(work) return wf 2. Abort a request .. code-block:: python # One of workload_id or request_id can be None clientmanager.abort(request_id=, workload_id=) 3. Suspend a request .. code-block:: python # One of workload_id or request_id can be None clientmanager.suspend(request_id=, workload_id=) 4. Resume a request .. code-block:: python # One of workload_id or request_id can be None clientmanager.resume(request_id=, workload_id=) 5. Retry a request .. code-block:: python # One of workload_id or request_id can be None clientmanager.retry(request_id=, workload_id=) 6. Finish a request .. code-block:: python # One of workload_id or request_id can be None # if set_all_finished is set, all left files will be set finished clientmanager.finish(request_id=, workload_id=, set_all_finished=False) 7. Get progress report .. code-block:: python # One of workload_id or request_id can be None clientmanager.get_status(request_id=, workload_id=, with_detail=False/True) 8. Download logs for a request .. code-block:: python # One of workload_id or request_id can be None clientmanager.download_logs(request_id=, workload_id=, dest_dir='./', filename=None) 9. Upload a file to the iDDS cacher .. code-block:: python # filename is the source filename or full path of the source file. # Upload file to iDDS cacher: On the cacher, the filename will be the basename of the file. clientmanager.upload_to_cacher(filename) 10. Download a file from the iDDS cacher .. code-block:: python # filename is the destination filename or full path of the destination file. # Download file from iDDS cacher: On the cacher, the filename will be the basename of the file. clientmanager.download_from_cacher(filename) 11. Get hyperparameters .. code-block:: python clientmanager.get_hyperparameters(request_id=, workload_id=, id=, status=, limit=) from idds.client.clientmanager import ClientManager clientmanager = ClientManager(host='') clientmanager.get_hyperparameters(workload_id=123, request_id=None) clientmanager.get_hyperparameters(workload_id=None, request_id=456) clientmanager.get_hyperparameters(workload_id=None, request_id=456, id=0) 12. Update hyperparameter .. code-block:: python clientmanager.update_hyperparameter(request_id=, workload_id=, id=, loss=) 13. Get messages .. code-block:: python clientmanager.get_messages(request_id=, workload_id=) from idds.client.clientmanager import ClientManager host = '' clientmanager = ClientManager(host=host) # here the host will overwirte the host defined in the configurations. # clientmanager = ClientManager() # if idds.cfg is configured with [rest] host. ret = clientmanager.get_messages(request_id=) ret = clientmanager.get_messages(workload_id=) status, msgs = ret iDDS Command Line Interface (CLI) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Abort a request .. code-block:: python # One of workload_id or request_id can be None idds abort_requests --request_id= --workload_id= 2. Suspend a request .. code-block:: python # One of workload_id or request_id can be None idds suspend_requests --request_id= --workload_id= 3. Resume a request .. code-block:: python # One of workload_id or request_id can be None idds resume_requests --request_id= --workload_id= 4. Retry a request .. code-block:: python # One of workload_id or request_id can be None idds retry_requests --request_id= --workload_id= 5. Finish a request .. code-block:: python # One of workload_id or request_id can be None idds finish_requests --request_id= --workload_id= [--set_all_finished] 6. Get progress report .. code-block:: python # One of workload_id or request_id can be None idds get_requests_status --request_id= --workload_id= --with_detail # idds get_requests_status --request_id 94 request_id request_workload_id scope:name status errors ------------ --------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------- ----------- 94 1616422511 pseudo_dataset:pseudo_input_collection#1 Finished {'msg': ''} # idds get_requests_status --request_id 94 --with_detail request_id transform_id request_workload_id transform_workload_id scope:name status[Total/OK/Processing] errors ------------ -------------- --------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------- 94 151 1616422511 1003 pseudo_dataset:pseudo_output_collection#1 Finished[6/6/0] {'msg': ''} 94 152 1616422511 1002 pseudo_dataset:pseudo_output_collection#2 Finished[3/3/0] {'msg': ''} 94 153 1616422511 1001 pseudo_dataset:pseudo_output_collection#3 Finished[5/5/0] {'msg': ''} 7. Download logs for a request .. code-block:: python # One of workload_id or request_id can be None idds download_logs --request_id= --workload_id= --dest_dir='./' --filename= 8. Upload a file to the iDDS cacher .. code-block:: python # filename is the source filename or full path of the source file. # Upload file to iDDS cacher: On the cacher, the filename will be the basename of the file. idds upload_to_cacher --filename= 9. Download a file from the iDDS cacher .. code-block:: python # filename is the destination filename or full path of the destination file. # Download file from iDDS cacher: On the cacher, the filename will be the basename of the file. idds download_from_cacher --filename= 10. Get hyperparameters .. code-block:: python idds get_hyperparameters --request_id= --workload_id= --id= --status= --limit=) idds get_hyperparameters --workload_id=123 idds get_hyperparameters --request_id=456 idds get_hyperparameters --request_id=456 --id=0 11. Update hyperparameter .. code-block:: python idds update_hyperparameter --request_id= --workload_id=, --id= --loss= 12. Get messages .. code-block:: python idds get_messsage --request_id= --workload_id= idds get_messages --request_id=75483 idds get_messages --workload_id=25792557